Manchester Utd 1-0 Zorya Luhansk : Zlatan's Head Gives United First Europa Win
United's second Europa League fixture went positive for the Mohrinho side, though not as positive as expected by the Portuguese Coach but positive enough to get the three point available for this group A Europa League Fixture. Manchester United had lost their first game to Feyenoord in their first fixture and where at the bottom of the table, Even Zorya had a point from their draw and it was a great embarrassment for a big side like United and also for Mohrinho. The Game with Zorya wasn't fun for United as the visitors where prepared mostly for a draw and say 15% percent for a win which was to be achieved through counter attacks, which was not what they actually did. Zorya arranged their players in a strictly "parking the bus" lineup and it actually did upset Mohrinho since this was done just before the start of the match, Still Manchester United made out with a great squard including Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Paul Pogba and Marcus Rashford with the expectations of L...